
Acrow Blog

, Acrow

Concrete Pressure

Concrete Pressure Concrete pressure is the force of the concrete applied to the face of the formwork. Typically, it is resisted by thru-ties on double sided formwork or with diagonal props on single sided formwork. Determining concrete lateral pressures is detailed in...

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, Acrow

Engineering Knowledge Base

Engineering Knowledge Base Our objective for updating the Acrow website was to turn this platform into a truly functional and user-friendly tool. The website is now a great location for direct access to all technical information and CAD Blocks offered by the Acrow...

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, Acrow

Falsework Bracing

Falsework Bracing Falsework bracing is critical to the system taking the specified load, both during and after concrete placement. The bracing effectively stiffens the vertical elements of the falsework between the ledger lift heights. As you can see in Figure 1, the...

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, Acrow

Engineering Units

Engineering Units EXPLANATION Structural engineers typically talk in either kN or kPa. These units define loads imposed on the structure as either a singular point load or a uniform pressure. Structural engineers generally deal with static loads which mean loads that...

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, Acrow

Natform Screens – Types of Screens

Natform Screen System - Types of Screens THE DIFFERENT USE CASES OF SCREENS STRUCTURAL SCREENS In some construction cases, there is a heavy focus in accelerating the structure. Typically, the main factor slowing down the forming and pouring of additional slabs when...

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, Acrow

Natform Screens – An Introduction

Natform Screen System - Introduction The Natform Screen System has been a primary product of the Acrow Group of Companies for over 2 years now, and it is a versatile system that can be used in a wide range of scenarios. That is why we have put together this general...

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, Acrow

External Form Vibrators

External Form Vibrators EXPLANATION It is becoming increasingly popular to attach external form vibrators to formwork shutters. The benefit of these is to improve the concrete finish or to vibrate the concrete in area’s a traditional pencil vibrator cannot reach....

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, Acrow

Ground Bearing Capacity

Ground Bearing Capacity EXPLANATION Ground bearing capacity is the capacity of soil to support the loads applied to the ground from above. The bearing capacity of soil is the maximum contact pressure between the foundation/ soleboard and the soil which should not...

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, Acrow

Z-Bar Thru Tie Systems

Z-Bar Thru-Tie SystemsThru-tie bar, deformed bar or Z-bar are all the same item and refer to a special steel rod available in 3 sizes, and most typically used for double sided wall formwork, to resist the forces generated by the concrete pressure. Z-bar's unique...

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, Acrow

Scaffold Stability

Scaffold StabilityEXPLANATION It is a common misconception that if a scaffold has a height to base ratio of 3:1 that it is stable and cannot fall over. This is false, if the scaffold is exposed to wind regardless of if it has containment or not, the 3:1 ratio is not...

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